Serving Woodston, The Orton's, The Hamptons, Elton, Stilton, Yaxley, Farcet and Sawtry
Luke 4:18 New Catholic Bible
Monday: No Mass - Quiet Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament 10-10.30am.
Tuesday: 12.30pm Mass
Wednesday: 10am Mass
Thursday: 12.30pm Mass
Friday: 10am Mass
6pm Vigil Mass
9:00am Mass with music & refreshments
10:30am Family Mass with music & refreshments
12noon Mass with music
NB: All Masses are busy but usually there is usually a little more room at 6pm Saturday & 9am Sunday.
5pm - 5:45pm
Other times may be possible by appointment.
Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
10.30 - 11am after Mass
We rely on your generosity to keep our parish going and to provide the services to the community. In addition, parishes pay a certain regular amount to the Diocese in order to support poor parishes, and to fund Diocesan services.
Standing Orders. This is the most effective way of giving. Less hassle and less paperwork. If you have a current account, the best and most effective way to give regularly is by standing order.
St. Luke’s Catholic Parish
NatWest Bank, Cathedral Square,
Peterborough. PE1 1XH
Sort Code: 54-21-38
Acc. Number: 97302198.
If you would like to donate by card we have a payment terminal in the foyer of the Church that takes contactless payments.
Thank you and God bless.
See Newsletter & Information Page
R.C. Diocese of East Anglia Charity Number 278742 - Copyright © 2023 St Luke's Parish - All Rights Reserved.
Saint Luke's Parish Church, 26 Benyon Grove, Orton Malborne, Peterborough PE2 5XS, United Kingdom